The team of the Altmühlseeklinik Hensoltshöhe der Stiftung Hensoltshöhe gGmbH

The team of physicians at the Altmühlseeklinik is made up of experienced specialists who are able to work as a multidisciplinary team to cover a number of medical specialties.
The physician team is supported by a rehabilitation team. The psychological expertise of the leading psychotherapist in trauma therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder and psychological pain therapy is particularly important in this team.
In addition, the Altmühlsee Clinic has experienced rehabilitation sports instructors, physiotherapists and nurses trained in pain management.

Dr. Friedbert HermThe hospital's chief physician is a specialist in orthopedics and physical and rehabilitation medicine.
Since 2014, Dr. Friedbert Herm has been the chief physician of the Altmühlseeklinik. He has extensive experience as a medical director of a large orthopedic rehabilitation hospital. Additionally, he specializes in pain therapy, manual medicine, and social medicine, which he incorporates into everyday hospital practice to benefit orthopedic, oncology, and psychosomatic patients. Additionally, Dr. Herm has experience working abroad and managed a hospital in Nepal for six years. He holds an 18-month permit for further training in physical medicine and rehabilitation for physicians from the Bavarian State Medical Association for Physicians (Bayerische Landesärztekammer).

Bela Hans Kaunzinger, MBAHead of Administraton. who is part of the hospital management team along with the Chief Physician.
Since 2012, Mr. Kaunzinger has been the head of administration at the Altmühlseeklinik. He has extensive experience in hospital management and has participated in EU-funded health reform projects in Ukraine. He is a former integrated expert (CIM/GIZ) based in Ukraine from 2009-2011. He is fluent in Russian and has a good knowledge of Ukrainian.

Dr. Joachim SchnürleDeputy chief physician at the hospital.
The senior physician is a specialist in internal medicine. Until 2014, he worked as senior physician of the internal department of a secondary health care level hospital. His core competencies include cardiology and gastroenterology diagnostics, diabetes counseling, and COPD education. He was responsible for Cardiac Intensive Care and jointly responsible for the Multidisciplinary Oncology Conference. Additionally, he has an additional medical qualification in psychotherapy. Thanks to his expertise, he is involved in the field of psychosomatic and oncological diseases. He holds a permit for further training in internal mediciene from the Bavarian State Medical Association for Physicians (Bayerische Landesärztekammer).

Dr. Richard HäneSenior physician and specialist in orthopedics and traumatology.
As a senior physician, he primarily cares for orthopedic patients. He gained extensive experience in operative and conservative treatment of patients with diseases of the knee, shoulder, and hip joints, as well as degenerative diseases of the spine and joints during his senior medical work as a specialist in an acute care hospital. Furthermore, he has an additional medical qualification in physical therapy and balneotherapy. He holds a 12-month permit for further training in orthopedics from the Bavarian State Medical Association for Physicians (Bayerische Landesärztekammer).

Dr. phil. Kerstin HermLeading psychotherapist
She is an experienced psychological psychotherapist with additional qualification in evidence based behavioral therapy (individual & group),
Psycho-trauma therapy and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). She is the the leading psychotherapist at the Altmühlseeklinik Hensoltshöhe.
Involved in the team to help the project

Nataliya MerkelSenior physician
She has joined the team as a freelancer and is the deputy chief physician of a geriatric department with specialization in geriatric rehabilitation. Her native language is Ukrainian, and she grew up in Ukraine. She is a specialist in internal medicine with a specialized qualification in geriatrics.

Svitlana KaunzingerSocial pedagogue
She is an experienced social worker with many years of work experience (both in Germany and Ukraine). Her native language is Ukrainian

Karl MerkelTakes care of the organization and purchase of material assets
He has extensive experience in procurement, helps to purchase medical rehabilitation equipment, hospital beds, and their transportation in accordance with GIZ instructions to Ukraine.

Vitaly Shevchenko Is the local project coordinator in Ukraine.
He is the executive director of the Hospital Fund of Poltava Region. He is a general physician and is responsible for coordinating project activities and training programs, including consultations with physicians. He is in charge of determining the need for necessary rehabilitation equipment and training
The team of the KP "Poltava Regional Clinical Hospital named after M.V. Sklifosovsky of the Poltava Regional Council"

Hryhoriy Oksak Is the chief physician of the hospital
He has held this position since 2013. Prior to this, he worked as a surgeon starting in 1998 and as a deputy chief physician for surgical care starting in 2009. Mr. Oksak is an Honored Physician of Ukraine.

Iryna Pchelintseva Is the Head of the Center for Rehabilitation
She is a physician specializingin physical and rehabilitation medicine. She has been working at the hospital since 1987

Julia Palonka Is a physician specializing in physical and rehabilitation medicine
She has been working at the hospital since 2002

Natalia Demchenko Is a physician specializing in physical and rehabilitation medicine
She has been working at the hospital since 2006

Roman Litvinov Is a physical therapist
He has been working at the hospital since 2021

Olena Khahuza Is a physical therapist assistant
She has been working at the hospital since 2011

Julia Drozd Is a physical therapist
She has been working at the hospital since 2019

Ilya Volodchenko Is a physical therapist assistant
He has been working at the hospital since 2022

Tatyana Rudas Is an occupational therapist assistant
She has been working at the hospital since 2022.

Nadia Zhitchenko Is a rehabilitation nurse
She has been working at the hospital since 2003

Oksana Parkhomchuk Is a rehabilitation nurse
She has been working at the hospital since 2006.

Kateryna Hryn Is a speech therapist
She has been working at the hospital since 2013

Vita VyshniakIs an occupational therapist assistant
She has been working at the hospital since 2011

Taras KablukaIs a physical therapist assistant
He has been working at the hospital since 2022

Eleonora BilokinIs a physical therapist assistant
She has been working at the hospital since 2008

Iryna LobanovaIs a rehabilitation nurse
She has been working at the hospital since 1993