I sincerely thank my assistants for my improved health.

We continue our acquaintance and meetings with the team of the Rehabilitation Medicine Center of the Poltava Regional Clinical Hospital named after M.V. Sklifosovsky.

Natalia Alenina, an occupational therapist, and Olena Khakhuza, a physical therapist's assistant, are working with the patient.

Liudmyla Viktorivna, a patient of the Center: Good afternoon. I am 57 years old, I underwent surgery to remove a brain tumor in combination with a hemorrhagic stroke 2 years ago. Now I am undergoing rehabilitation at the Center for Rehabilitation Medicine. I am sincerely grateful to my assistants for my improved health.

Khakhuza Olena Ivanivna, assistant physical therapist: Ms. Lyudmila was admitted to the Center with walking disorders, weakness in the right upper and lower extremities, and dysfunction of the right hand. According to the individual rehabilitation plan, we practiced walking techniques on the uneven bars and on the treadmill. We were engaged in physical therapy: we performed exercises for the upper and lower extremities. They worked out on exercise machines to strengthen their lower and upper limbs and back muscles. They performed tasks and strengthened the vestibular apparatus on the balance beam. The sensory rehabilitation apparatus was used to train the function of movements in the upper limb and cognitive functions. On the robotic rehabilitation device for the upper extremities, they worked on lifting the hand, practiced movements in the shoulder joint with resistance and performed logic tasks. During her rehabilitation, her walking technique improved. Muscle strength in the arms and legs has increased and the range of motion in the affected limbs has increased.

Natalia Alenina, occupational therapist: Mrs. Lyudmila had suffered a stroke and was eager to recover and regain her lost skills. After talking to the patient, we developed an individual rehabilitation program based on her wishes. To achieve success, our work was aimed at improving memory, attention, and fine motor skills. Liudmyla Viktorivna skillfully performed all the tasks, and we got a positive result. As a result of the rehabilitation, the patient has mastered the skills of self-care, her memory, attention, writing, and household chores have improved. We were happy to help Lyudmila Viktorovna recover and get a lot of positive emotions. - I wish the patients of the Rehabilitation Medicine Center a speedy recovery!

- Thank you to the Center's staff for your work and for preserving the health of Ukrainians. 


Vitaliy Shevchenko, Executive Director of the Hospital Fund of Poltava Region